- antiseptic action
- антисептическое действие
English-Russian perfumery & beauty care dictionary. 2014.
English-Russian perfumery & beauty care dictionary. 2014.
antiseptic — [an΄tə sep′tik] adj. 1. preventing infection, decay, etc. by inhibiting the action of microorganisms 2. using antiseptics 3. free from infection or infectious agents; sterile 4. very clean or tidy 5. untouched by life, its problems, emotions, etc … English World dictionary
Antiseptic — Antiseptics (from Greek αντί anti , against + σηπτικός septikos , putrefactive ) are antimicrobial substances that are applied to living tissue/skin to reduce the possibility of infection, sepsis, or putrefaction. They should generally be… … Wikipedia
antiseptic — I. adjective Etymology: anti + Greek sēptikos putrefying, septic Date: 1751 1. a. opposing sepsis, putrefaction, or decay; especially preventing or arresting the growth of microorganisms (as on living tissue) b. acting or protecting like an… … New Collegiate Dictionary
Antiseptic — Something that discourages the growth microorganisms. By contrast, aseptic refers to the absence of microorganisms. * * * 1. Relating to antisepsis. 2. An agent or substance capable of effecting antisepsis. * * * an·ti·sep·tic .ant ə sep tik adj… … Medical dictionary
antiseptic agent — substance preventing the action or growth of microorganisms, antibacterial substance … English contemporary dictionary
antiseptic lotion — ointment preventing the action or growth of microorganisms, antibacterial lotion … English contemporary dictionary
Thymol — Chembox new ImageFile = Thymol2.svg ImageSize = 150 ImageName = Thymol IUPACName = 5 methyl 2 (isopropyl)phenol Section1 = Chembox Identifiers CASNo = 89 83 8 SMILES = CC1=CC(O)=C(C(C)C)C=C1 Section2 = Chembox Properties Formula = C10H14O… … Wikipedia
iodoform — /uy oh deuh fawrm , uy od euh /, n. Chem. a yellowish, crystalline, water insoluble solid, CHI3, analogous to chloroform, and having a penetrating odor: used chiefly as an antiseptic. Also called triiodomethane. [1830 40; IODO + FORM] * * * ▪… … Universalium
Cubeb — In West Africa, cubeb is usually the related West African Pepper (Piper guineense). Cubeb Scientific classification Kingdom … Wikipedia
Monarda didyma — Not to be confused with Bergamot orange (used in Earl Grey tea); or Monarda fistulosa (wild bergamot). Monarda didyma Flower being visited by a hummingbird … Wikipedia
Monarda — A bumblebee on a Monarda flower Scientific classification Kingdom: Plantae … Wikipedia